THE PRINCE If you think you've seen it all Then you had better think again Don't care how many books you've read Or how many lands you've seen
You're still not prepared for this Don't be misled by pretty girls Or flowered gardens everywhere You'll soon see what I mean
The family called Capulet Will not forgive and can't forget And the family called Montague Is as unforgiving too
This is Verona, you're in Verona Where hatred is a way of life And you can cut it with a knife The hate keeps flowing in their veins It is more powerful than chains And they are scared to turn their backs It isn't prudent to relax Not in Verona, lovely Verona The population is unique Nobody turns the other cheek When will they get it in their heads? Their dreams will never leave their beds Until there is some compromise And peace illuminates the skies In Verona
On the surface all is well Heaven on earth it would appear A second look and you'll see hell It's no picnic to live here
Maybe the wound's too deep and raw Archaic wounds take long to heal And Montague's and Capulet's Seem to thrive on their ordeal
What tragic price must we pay For bad blood to be washed away? It's all too sad to contemplate And it's all because of hate
In my Verona, perfect Verona Two families with an ancient grudge That all their praying cannot budge An endless battle of two foes And neither one can find repose As families swim against the tide Come meet some people who reside In Verona, charming Verona This one is called Benvolio And that's his friend Mercutio These two are always in accord But here comes Tybalt with sword But in this town I am the law It's tough 'cos everyone's at war
MERCUTIO He's mad, we are the law here
BENVOLIO We are too wild to be controlled
TYBALT I am too brave, I am too bold
CHORUS In Verona, come to Verona The population is unique Nobody turns the other cheek The hate keeps flowing in our veins Hate is more powerful than chains No wonder danger's in the air The enemy is everywhere
LADY CAPULET We're born to hate Soon as we leave Our mother's wombs Hate's in the air And to survive We breathe its fumes We love to hate Hatred's the third word that we learn Mama, Papa And after that it's hatred's turn We're born to hate It's like a serpent in the soul We're so consumed It seems the serpent's in control We love to hate
LADY MONTAGUE We are the same I too can see Things I despise Year after year Poisonous hate Burns from your eyes There's so much hate Day after day the children grieve Just look at them And see the legacy we leave In every street A broken heart, a blood-stained sword We fight to win But it's a fight without reward
LADY CAPULET You've paid the price Look at your face Hate's in each pore of your wretched skin Another day, another death You'll pass it on to your next of kin
LADY MONTAGUE It makes us old before our time Hate is a whore, a plague, a curse I doubt if we will live to see Hate disappear from the universe
BOTH It makes us old before our time Hate is a whore, a plague, a curse
LADY CAPULET I doubt if we will live to see
BOTH Hate disappear from the universe
We're born to hate It's like a serpent in the soul We're so consumed It seems the serpent's in control
ROMEO I feel I'm killing time, my life is slipping by There has to be someone who feels the same as I I long to find a love that's deep and strong and true There has to be someone who wants the same things too As soon as I find her My world will start turning But real love is elusive That's something I'm learning
JULIET They say I'm very young, I'm going through a phase And I must learn to curb my adolescent ways There must be more to life than what my eyes have seen But every yesterday becomes a might-have-been I am longing For someone to hold me And tell me while we're dancing What no one has told me
ROMEO All days are the same without love Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays
JULIET Strange how nothing ever changes Summers, springs and winters drift by
ROMEO & JULIET All days are the same without love When no one's beside you Who cares if the moon seems closer Or the stars seem brighter All days are the same without love But with love the days grow Each one's an adventure Anything can happen No heart ever ages Each day's been created For you
All days are the same without love But with love the days grow Each one's an adventure Anything can happen No heart ever ages Each day's been created For you
All days are the same without love
PARIS I will make the perfect groom I love your child and I am rich So rich, give her to me What must I do? I could help you I'll pay off your debts I'll be like a son My heart will not rest 'Til we are one I beg of you, she is my life Please allow your Juliet to be my wife
LORD CAPULET My dear friend, control your lust Take a deep breath, you're overwrought In short, when one's aroused I am afraid mistakes are made She's just a child, fourteen tender years Motherhood must wait, she's too young for tears To take a heart before its time Would be a rash, irresponsible crime Not Juliet, not quite yet Take it slow, enjoy the dance One shouldn't rush a great romance
LADY CAPULET For all its faults Whatever cynics say Marriage, my dear Invigorates each day How lucky you are For somebody so young
JULIET But I'm not in love
LADY CAPULET For once, hold your tongue He's handsome and rich He's sent from above How stupid of Paris To have picked you to love 'Juliet' and 'Paris' Your names seem to go so well
LADY CAPULET and THE NURSE Time to think of marriage
THE NURSE Listen to your mother
LADY CAPULET My daughter the bride! Last night I just cried, and cried
JULIET Wasted tears, mother I'm not a bride yet!
I'm thrilled he asked But I prefer to wait I doubt he's the type That I'd choose for a mate
LADY CAPULET That's just where you're wrong It's all a game of chance The world's full of hags Who waited for romance
JULIET I'm not in love I cannot be his wife
THE NURSE Your daughter is spoiled
LADY CAPULET She has been all her life A room full of toys And still she wanted more
THE NURSE They're still in her room All over the floor Dream the same dreams To fall head over heels But fate makes sure that everyone Adjusts their ideals
LADY CAPULET You will grow to love him As I did your father On the day we met He was in a state
(spoken) Well, he could hardly stand up straight He was drunk and overweight
JULIET You're starting to sound Like an old mother hen
LADY CAPULET You will have to learn to Change your thinking about men Why, even the Bible Gets revised now and again
ROMEO Kings of the world running our lives Powerful husbands with ambitious wives Ever-so-smug 'cause they make all the rules They are not kings, just a bunch of old fools
BENVOLIO Kings of the world planning ahead They haven't noticed they're already dead They eat the fat and they toss us the bones Transparent kings sitting on paper thrones
CHORUS We know how to live we squeeze the juice from every moment We make love day after day night after night we sing we dance It makes no sense in being careful not when time files like an arrow We take every risk that's out there we're prepared to take that chance We are the...
MERCUTIO Kings of the world, free as the wind Looking for sins that we haven't yet sinned They think they're smart, but they're really quite dumb You miss the tune when you're banging your drum
ROMEO & BENVOLIO Kings of the world, they're just a joke They are not kings, they're just misguided folk Boring as hell and as dull as can be
BENVOLIO One thing's for sure: they would love to be me!
ROMEO We'll take the chance!
Repeat CHORUS (x2)
Time is like an arrow We take every risk that's out there We'll take the chance Kings of the World!
ROMEO I know there is a God And he has heard my prayer That face, look at that face Look at those eyes What star did you fall from?
JULIET I know why I'm alive, I see the reason why That smile that heart stopping smile Those breath-taking lips I will not forget this moment
ROMEO You and I were born to love Finally my life has now begun
JULIET You and I were born to love I know in my heart you are the one
ROMEO Nothing in this world will stand in our way
JULIET You don't have to speak I hear what you say
BOTH You and I were born to love Finally my life has now begun Our love will outlive the sea Longer than eternity
You and I were born to love Finally my life has now begun Our love will outlive the sea Longer than eternity
TYBALT She can't see me She can't hear me One day, she'll know I exist I will charm her 'till she loves me Not a single joy will be missed In her eyes, I'm just a cousin Soon my feelings will become clear If she knew how much I love her She would stop and re-think her life I'm the one who she should marry She can't be another man's wife One day I'll be brave and tell her I'll destroy whoever comes near
JULIET Who is the god above me Who summoned that you should love me? Why has he blessed us in this way? I know I'll thank him every day My heart was wise to choose you But they'll want me to refuse you Now that we know where we belong They're bound to say it's wrong Just take a look around us A sea of fools surround us But they will see before we're done Two different worlds become one
ROMEO What star or god above me Decided that you should love me? Forbidden love comes at a price But it is worth the sacrifice They don't know what they're saying This love of ours is staying I'm not prepared to say goodbye Until the day I die
BOTH Two different worlds they live in Why don't they all just give in? The winds of war keep blowing The seeds of hate keep growing
All I want to do Is live and die with you
My heart was wise to choose you There's no way I can refuse you They will all see before we're done Two different worlds come one My heart was wise to choose you I'd rather die than ever lose you We'll make them see before we're done Two different worlds come one
FRIAR Love makes fools out of wise men
ROMEO But without love, what are we?
FRIAR My love is for God
ROMEO I'm in love with an angel
FRIAR Love can be an illusion
ROMEO This love is no illusion
FRIAR Can you trust your young heart?
ROMEO Until death do us part Marry me, I beg you I want to lay down beside her Friar, please I promise I'll pray every single day If you'll marry me
FRIAR Are you sure? Are you certain?
ROMEO As the dawn, as the sunset
FRIAR Marriage may be the way Could it end all their hatred? Could it be...?
ROMEO Living without her would be too much to bear What good's a morning without Juliet there?
FRIAR A Montague, a Capulet, living as man and wife I will be either be blessed or I'll be damned for life
ROMEO Your God will forgive He knows that our love is true
FRIAR I was thinking of my soul for a moment or two
ROMEO You have the power to make sure all fighting ends Imagine Capulet's being Montague's' friends Friar, please
BOTH All for love we are living Every day we are giving, all for love
FRIAR I will marry you
BOTH What things we do, all for love
THE NURSE Ha, ha, ha! I hear you laugh! Ha, ha, ha! Such a childish laugh You don't understand what it means to love You should not make fun of the heart Ha, ha, ha! You are so cocksure I've met imbeciles who are more mature You live half a life, you walk in the shade If the game of love isn't ever played You should heed my words
BENVOLIO Ha, ha, ha! Well, that is rich What can we hope to learn from this worn-out witch? Handsome Romeo is just having fun They'll be this one, and then another one Love is for the birds
ALL Ugly or beautiful Life is all twists and turns No map to show us where to go Where will life lead us Who's to know? Ugly or beautiful We're all afraid of love We guard against it with our lives But we thank God we're here to rise
THE NURSE Ha, ha, ha! What can I do? 'Ha ha ha' is all I get from you You are all so vain Love is just a joke One day all your dreams will go up in smoke Laughter turns to screams
MERCUTIO Ha ha ha! Love is just a phase With the young it can last for days Lovers' tears aren't real, and their pain's not deep It's a time to laugh, not a time to weep They dream harmless dreams
ALL Ugly or beautiful Life is all twists and turns No map to show us where to go Where will life lead us Who's to know? Ugly or beautiful We're all afraid of love We guard against it with our lives But we thank God we're here to rise
BENVOLIO Ugly or beautiful We're all afraid, afraid of love
MERCUTIO Love is only for the birds
ALLL Ugly or beautiful Life is all twists and turns No map to show us where to go Where will life lead us Who's to know? Ugly or beautiful We're all afraid of love We guard against it with our lives But we thank God we're here to rise
THE NURSE I have cared for her Each day of her young life The baby in my arms Is soon to be a wife She isn't of my flesh She doesn't share my name Her humor and her looks Aren't something I can claim My Juliet is grown up
And now she is in love And everything has changed Her feelings and her hair Have all be re-arranged And while her heart bursts Mine's starting to break I am only her nurse So why do I find this so hard to take? She's eager to fly But oh, how fragile her wings But then she's in love
Wide-eyed Romeo And love-struck Juliet It seems their love was doomed Before they even met Their worlds are worlds apart Too much of a divide Her heart is bound to break If she becomes his bride Oh Juliet, I'm frightened
But she is so in love And every day's a dance And good old common sense Doesn't stand a chance I've done all I can What more can I do? When I was in love like her I was foolish too... So eager to fly Oh how fragile my wings But then, I was in love
The air I was breathing then Was like vintage wine And the darkest of nights Still managed to shine The love disappeared The memory stayed There's still a glimmer of light in me That will never fade
I know how she feels She's eager to fly But then she's in love
Now she is in love
ROMEO Your eyes, these are my rivers One glance can start a journey That takes me to wondrous places Your eyes, these are my rivers
JULIET Your arms, these are my mountains Hold me, and stars seem closer No one can ever reach us Your arms, these are my mountains
ROMEO & JULIET No need to ever wander We have the world before us Don't move, let's always stay here My heart, has found its way here
JULIET Your smile, your voice, your laughter New worlds that need exploring
ROMEO And yet there's no need to leave here
ROMEO & JULIET These things, these are my rivers
CHORUS Your eyes, these are my rivers One glance can start a journey That takes me to wondrous places Your eyes, these are my rivers Your arms, these are my mountains
ROMEO These are my mountains
CHORUS Hold me, and stars seem closer
ROMEO Stars seem closer
CHORUS No one can ever reach us Your arms, these are my mountains Your smile, your voice, your laughter
JULIET Your smile, your voice
CHORUS New worlds that need exploring
ROMEO Exploring
CHORUS And yet there's no need to leave here These things, they'll be my rivers
Always, always, always, always
MERCUTIO Word is on the street That you've gone raving mad And you'll lose every friend That you have ever had
BENVOLIO Word is on the street That your parents are ashamed The town is filled with men Whose passions are inflamed
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO The people you love feel betrayed You laugh and spit in our face What a mistake your heart has made There will be no hiding place
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You deceived us
ROMEO To myself I have been true
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You have failed us
ROMEO I've never lied to you
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You can't do this
ROMEO I don't care what people say
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO This is madness
ROMEO I could not turn her away
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO It's your duty
ROMEO She's all I'm living for
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO Where's your honor?
ROMEO I can't listen anymore
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You've betrayed us
ROMEO Believe that if you must
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You ignored us
ROMEO You BOTH fill me with disgust
MERCUTIO Word is on the street, you can hope to survive You haven't got a chance if you are caught alive
BENVOLIO Word is on the street, that you will leave for good Nobody wants to see you in this neighborhood
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO To love the enemy's a sing Consequences could be grave Hers is a love you cannot win Your soul is too late to save
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You deceived us
ROMEO To myself I have been true
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You have failed us
ROMEO I've never lied to you
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You can't do this
ROMEO I don't care what people say
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO This is madness
ROMEO I could not turn her away
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO It's your duty
ROMEO She's all I'm living for
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO Where's your honor?
ROMEO I can't listen anymore
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You've betrayed us
ROMEO Believe that if you must
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You ignored us
ROMEO You BOTH fill me with disgust
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You could have a dozen girls
ROMEO A dozen girls don't interest me
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO Might as well just cut your throat
ROMEO Why can't you just let her be
BENVOLIO Romeo just let her go
ROMEO No, no, no
MERCUTIO I'm your friend you can use my knife
ROMEO One love one life I'd rather die than say goodbye, dear friends
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You had no right
ROMEO Dear friends look at you
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You had no right
ROMEO Capulets are people too
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You had no right
ROMEO I thought that our bond was strong
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You had no right
ROMEO But I see now I was wrong
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You had no right
ROMEO We've been friends since we were small
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You had no right
ROMEO I've betrayed no one at all
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You had no right
ROMEO Love has turned my world around
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You had no right
ROMEO At last my dreams have left the ground
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You had no right
ROMEO I don't care what you all say
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You had no right
ROMEO I could not turn her away
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You had no right
ROMEO She is all I'm living for
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You had no right
ROMEO I can't listen anymore I want no ones forgiveness
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You had no right
ROMEO All I did was fall in love
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You had no right
ROMEO One life one love, one life one love
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You had no right
ROMEO Without her I'm nothing
MERCUTIO & BENVOLIO You had no right
TYBALT I'll stop his plan , his evil plan A Montague will never take my love from me
I'm jealous, yes, at his success But only I know how the stories end will be I can't conceal the way I feel It time to do what I must do She doesn't know I love her so A cousin isn't meant to carry on this way I won't allow this boy to ever touch her skin I'm ready for the fight that I alone can win
It's today, it's today, my life starts from today The day when he takes his last breathe The day when he shakes hands with death My sword will pierce his cowardly heart I'll burry him deep From tomorrow me and Juliet will not be apart
I long to see jer look I me The way she looks at him but that will happen soon We'll talk and we will touch We will laugh and drink too much My dream will come true before the mid-night moon
It's today, It's today, my life starts from today Soon as his body is laid to rest My love for her will be expressed I'll say the things that I never did It's my turn to enjoy all of the things That her and Romeo share (Its today) I'll dance upon his grave (Its today) A lighting thrust, it will be over (its today) I'll restore my family's honor (its today) I'll make him pay for her weak ways
I'm coming for you You've no place to hide Romeo live your last day Tonight as we kiss you will be heading for hell
MERCUTIO Tybalt, Tybalt, you're gonna die Tybalt you'll find no one will cry You turn my stomach I wanna be sick I'll be nice to you I'll slaughter you quick You slither and slide like a snake in the grass But your tongue spits a More poisonous venom Tybalt, Tybalt, you're gonna die
TYBALT Mercutio, you're just a buffoon You're stupid mouth will be silenced soon You're just a failed poet an embarrassing moron I'm going to do what I've been dying to do And now I will end your sad journey through life You won't feel a thing I'm good with a knife Mercutio, you're going to die
ROMEO This must stop you're BOTH mad is life nothing to you If we all kill each other what good will it do this must end
CHORUS Live let's learn to live forget forgive and live as one Let's all live in peace let fighting cease for man and son Die, we all will die why even try what's done is done
ROMEO For those who have wives and mothers too Daughters and sons what's wrong with you
BENVOLIO Live as God intended all wars must be ended
CHORUS Live, let's learn to live forget forgive and live as one Let's all live in peace let fighting cease for man and son
ROMEO No more grief no more graves no more sorrow or pain...no We must all make a vow no blood will be spilled We'll die in our beds and no one will be killed Live as God intended all wars must be ended
MERCUTIO He's too bad to live He's riddled with hate Too bad for us to tolerate A coward and an evil force a murderer without remorse
TYBALT Your friends are here so your tongue is loose I'm sure you'll find some lame excuse But there's no way out I'm not letting you go Get ready to revieve your fatal blow Live...Live while you can Die, die like a man
CHORUS Live/ die we will all die Live/ die why even try Live/ die what's done is done Live/ die nowhere to run Live/ die we will all die Live/ die why even try Live/ die we will all die/ live
MERCUTIO I curse the day I met A wretched Montague And all those Capulet's Are just as wretched too
Your all heading for hell There's no hope anymore I would say that God has got some things to answer for
I'm dying in the dust But I'm dying like a king And made the most of life I don't regret a thing I'm dying in the dust But I'm dying like a king I'm free now as the wind I don't regret a thing
ROMEO I'll keep you alive I'll speak of you Forever I'll keep you alive You'll live in me now
I'll keep you alive You'll live in me now:
LORD CAPULET It's only fair He must pay the ultimate price Your son must die There's no need for legal advice
LADY MONTAGUE It isn't fair He just made sure justice was done Mercutio's death Had to be avenged by my son
THE PRINCE What's done is done This war of your's cannot be won When will the past Be forgotten
ROMEO I don't want blood on my hands I turn from volience when I can My dearest friend died my arms And Tybalt was an evil man He stood there laughing Bragging, and laughing
You two have no right to judge You killed him as much as I Were your children, take some blame You could be the reason why Into this world you brought us To live the way you taught us
THE PRINCE What's done is done This war of yours cannot be won It's time the past -
CHORUS The past is not forgotten
THE PRINCE It's over
THE PRINCE It is just another death And as they say what else is new Lessons will be learn from this I'm a fool to think they will
Only so much you can learn How many mountains can you climb I can see this going on Till there's no one left to kill
Only so much You can take The strongest mountains often shake I might as well be on my way Why does anybody stay... In sad verona Hopeless Verona
Where all our dreams are quickly gone Not worth the sky there written on I get the feeling if I die They should take it in there stride ___??????___________________ ____ ignorance of law
Hopeless Verona Loveless Verona
I wish I knew how to concieve... A miracle is what we need Something beyond the reach of man Some merciful almighty plan This hatred it must come to an end They'll be no lives left to mend
In Verona
THE NURSE I bare the pain you bare I cry the tears you cry Juliet, you must be strong Every time I see you cry I die, I die We both must try What more to you am I?
Oh, fools Men are fools There like stubborn mules Refusing to bend Where will all this end? What can any of us do? How much more can we go through? When will every man lay down his sword? When will we all live in accord? When will the lord visit Verona?
FRIAR The Prince has saved your life It was kind of him to banish you Half of this town is after your blood The blood of a Montague I say your life is worthless here You've everything to fear
Oh, fools Men are fools There like, stubborn mules Refusing to bend Where will all this end? What can any of us do? How much more can we go through?
BOTH When will every man lay down his sword? When will we all live in accord? When will the lord visit Verona?
CHORUS Fools Men are fools They can't live by rules They always want more They're in love with war Why are they so proud to fight? And destroy with all they're might Why is it important to be brave? Why do we all need flags to wave Why can't we save precious Verona? Verona
ROMEO What pain dawn brings What mournful song the lark sings I have to leave It's time to go Don't say a word I know
JULIET Oh my love You are wrong You must have heard the night birds song I can't bare the silent The cruelest word is goodbye If you must leave, as you must do I'll follow you
No place too far I have to be where you are Love me, dream me Until you see me
ROMEO No place too far My heart will be where you are No matter where I look Your face is what I'll see How can we be apart When you live inside of me
JULIET Take this ___????__________ Why am I so frightened?
BOTH No place too far I have to be where you are Love me, dream me Until you see me
No place is too far I want to be where you are
LORD CAPULET Paris I give to you my precious daughter It's time Perfect time for you to marry When I speak with the girl I am sure she'll agree It's the best thing for her She will listen to me
She's yours She's yours She's yours Lucky man, she's yours
LADY CAPULET Juliet You know how much your father loves you We both Are sure he'll make the perfect husband We have all known such grief Now it's time to let go Paris is quite a catch You will be glad, I know
He's yours He's yours He's yours Lucky girl, he's yours
PARIS Now we should rejoice It's time for celebration
PARIS AND LADY CAPULET There's much too do A wedding takes A lot of preparation
CHORUS She's yours She's yours She's yours Lucky man, she's yours
JULIET Please Nurse Tell them I cannot marry Paris Please Nurse It makes me ill to think about it Please nurse I beg of you Is there nothing you can do? I'll refuse to obey I'm married anyway
CHORUS She's yours She's yours She's yours Lucky man, she's yours
THE NURSE Juliet, Your cousin has been killed Don't act like a lovesick child You must do this I beg of you Marry him It is your duty
CHORUS He's yours He's yours He's yours Lucky girl, he's yours
JULIET I don't want this Just let me be Why wont someone listen to me ?
THE NURSE Your father has spoken Don't let him down
CHORUS He's yours He's yours He's yours Lucky girl, he's yours
LORD CAPULET I have been blessed why should this be? Why have the Gods looked down on me? Her girlish laugh her open ways They invade my days and light my days My Juliet so sweet, so small A smile that could make giants fall The greatest joy I'll never know Is knowing she still loves me so I can't believe
She came from me she came from me Hard to believe she came from me I live for her, I die for I am so proud and yet I fear This angry world will get to near
This world is filled with selfish men Who turn girls head time and again I know its time to set her free But letting go os hard for me The time has come
These days she wears a painted face Her heartbeats at a faster pace Another man has come and captured her He's so polite, he calls me sir I welcomed him, that's what you do I tell myself he loves her too No one will see what I go through She is a joy She is a curse The ruler of my universe If Paris lets her down, he wouldn't dare If he breaks her heart I'll break him I swear I'll live in her when I am gone To think that I will still live on How can it be she came from me
A gift from god, a precious prize I stare and can't believe my eyes I watched her grow and grow and grow There's one thing I will never know, how can it be
She came from me
ROMEO I cannot find a thing To occupy my mind I don't know what to do Time can be so unkind It seems a hundred hours In every endless day And yet when you are near Time just flies away Memories restore me That's what keeps me going The rivers of still love They'll soon be flowing
JULIET My life is being planned By everyone but me I can't believe that this is How life is meant to be I wish I had a wand That I could simply wave And I would just reverse The wisdom they all gave With this wand All my pain would be ended And we'd be together I pray God, until death
ROMEO All days are the same without love Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays
JULIET Strange how nothing ever changes and just wait till nothing matters
BOTH All days are the same without you Without you beside me Who cares if the moon seems closer Or the stars seem brighter All days are the same without you But with you the days glow Each one's an adventure Anything can happen My heart never ages Each day's been created For you
All days are the same without you But with you the days glow Each one's an adventure Anything can happen My heart never ages Each day's been created For you
All days are the same without you
CAPULETS Ha, ha, ha filthy Montagues Ha, ha, ha they were born to lose They have spoiled our day but they always do It is time that we settled this
MONTAGUES Ha, ha, ha evil Capulets Ha ha, ha they have no regrets They do wicked deeds yet they all sleep well They will feel at home when they get to hell Lets blow them a kiss
Ugly or beautiful Life is all twists and turns No map to show us where to go Where will life lead us, who's to know?
Ugly or beautiful we all know how to hate Were all prepared to fight and die We pray but we get no reply
Were born to hate Soon as we leave our mothers wombs Its in the air And to survive we breathe its fumes
CAPULETS MONTAGUES Were born to hate Ha, ha, ha evil Сapulets As its in the air Ha, ha, ha they have no regrets Its in the They do wicked things but they all sleep well Its in the air They will feel at home when they get to hell And to survive Lets blow them a a kiss We breathe its We breathe its Fumes
Repeat all and add the CHORUS to "Fools" sung by THE NURSE
BENVOLIO How does one begin to say All the dreams you dreamed died today All your visions of a perfect life are over
How on earth do I find the words that will somehow ease your pain? Help me, God, where do I start? Why must I destroy my best friend's heart? We were once kings of the world We just laughed our way through those carefree years In a way, I wish they had never met Wish that I could bring back Juliet That can't be... no, that can't be
I can't do this, I can't do this I will not break the news, this tragic news He should be told by a priest Someone who is old and wise Who can find the reason why Someone so young just dies I can't do this, and yet I know I must do this
Mercutio, where is your ghost? How dare you die when I need you most Everything we ever did, we did together
I cannot do this on my own Sorry, I'm not made that way Do I say that the time will heal That he will live through this ordeal? What if I break down and cry? That would be the worst thing I could do I don't trust myself, I will get it wrong I'm too close a friend, I'm not that strong No, not me,,, it can't be me
I can't do this, I can't do this I know how I would be if he told me I would drink myself to sleep, and I'd pray I'd never wake That way I'd never hear, the scream a heart can make I must do this, God give me strength, and I'll do this
I can do this, I must do this I know I am the one, the only one We are still kings of the world, and that's what we'll always be He knows how much I love him It's best he hears from me I must do this, I will do this I must do this, I must do this
ROMEO It's not enough to say I knew you It's not enough to say I loved you I'm coming to you Wait there, my love
It's not enough to live with memories It's not enough to relieve every moment I want more my love
If were born to live together Then were born to die together
God knows why I've lost you I don't know why something like this could happen I just want to forget all my sorrow Only with you can ease my pain I'm afraid of being apart It's too much for my heart
God knows why I've lost you Why so many pleasures will be denied us We never danced in the rain We've not laughed in the sun The music just stopped when it had just begun Wait there, Juliet, I'll soon be with you Far from this world
God knows why It's over I don't care The reasons don't matter I'm too tired to go on All I live for has gone But we'll meet in the sky So I'll not say goodbye I'll be with you soon And we'll dance on the moon Beyond the stars
JULIET Why remain here and grow old? I don't want to live like this I could not endure the quite If I'm with you what's there to miss Without you life is just a word And all days will be the same I'm not strong enough to stay here If this is wrong I'll take the blame
We'll soon be together Morning will find us
Where Rivers Keep Flowing With mountains all around us And peace in the heavens You gave away your life for me And now at last we'll BOTH be free Where Rivers Keep Flowing With this world far below us Away from the hatred No battles ever really won When somebody has lost a son
Wait for me I'll soon be there I'll be your eternal bride No more dreaming in the shadows They'll be no feelings we must hide
As I die I wonder What's to believe in?
It's too late for questions And no one has the answers But what does it matter You gave away your life for me And now at last we'll BOTH be free
Where Rivers Keep Flowing With this world far below us When dawn breaks tomorrow They'll be no bloodshed and no wars The eyes I'll gaze upon will be yours
FRIAR LAWRENCE Dear God, Dear God What are you doing up there? Have I been speaking to an empty sky? If not, then tell me why I gave my life to you my faith had never been in doubt The sings that pleasure man I have learned to live without Till now I believed that you were everywhere But if the good still die then what's the sense of prayer We scream but you don't hear, we look to you in vain If you really exist, then why don't you explain Don't leave me now
Dear God, Dear God Forgive me if I fail you I always thought that faith would keep me strong I see, now I was wrong What good are sacred words Written in books as old as time The mountain that's ahead of me Maybe too high climb Can I still spread your word? Can I still be your voice? I thought my life was you, but I feel I have a choice I got down on my knees dead God give me a sign Tell me that all of this, is in your grand design Please don't leave me know
I comfort and I soothe the troubled and the weak I give my people strength when everything was bleak With you inside of me, no wound could be too deep But now I feel I'm lost, have I the right to weep? I need your help right now, tell me what must be done You are still my Father and I am still you son don't leave me now
Dear God, where are you hiding Dear God, speak to me I need to know your plan When will all of this make sense to me I'm blind, make me see
Dear God, of all men Please shine a light my way Give me some hope to face the day I'm lost, all I can do is pray
LADY MONTAGUE There's no pain deeper There's no day darker It's the cruelest nightmare To outlive your children We have let this happen And so we must share the blame
LADY CAPULET Angry gods will judge us For the harm we did them May they're souls forgive us May they rest in heaven And stay in love forever As we bow our heads in shames
LADY MONTAGUE Let their deaths unite us
LADY CAPULET Let us join together
LADY MONTAGUE, LADY CAPULET, THE NURSE They way to honor Romeo and Juliet
Let their deaths unite us Let us join together
THE NURSE Give their lives some meaning
CHORUS Fools Men are fools There like Stubborn mules Refusing to bend Where will all this end? What can any of us do? How much more can we go through? When will every man lay down his sword? When will we all live in accord? When will the lord visit Verona?
Repeat (x1)
Fools Men are fools They can't Live by rules They always want more They're in love with war Why are they so proud to fight? And destroy with all their might Why is it important to be brave? Why do we all need flags to wave How can we save precious Verona?
Lovely Verona |